Seit fast 30 Jahren in Nepal engagiert, sind wir tief betroffen von der über dieses ohnehin so arme Land hereingebrochene Katastrophe. 
Neben den Berichten unserer Medien haben wir uns bemüht, direkt Informationen aus den von uns geförderten, verschiedenen sozialen Projekten zu bekommen. 
Als Glück im Unglück halten sich die Auswirkungen des Erdbebens im Gebiet von Pokhara in Grenzen. Hier fördern wir zwei Waisenhäuser (www.orphancarenepal.org /www.cwehome.org.np), die ebenso wie die insgesamt etwa 140 dort lebenden Kinder und Studenten die Katastrophe ohne Schaden überstanden haben. 
Ebenso in Shyauli Bazaar, dem Sitz unserer Ersten-Hilfe-Station, gab es weder nennenswerte Schäden noch Verletzte. 
Kathmandu dagegen wurde sehr stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Viele Vororte und Teile der Altstadt mit vorwiegend Ziegelhäusern, wurden weitgehend zerstört. Durch einstürzende Häuser, Tempel und Monumente starben Tausende. 
Wie die Menschen dort vor Ort die Katastrophe erlebten, kann man sich von hier aus nur annähernd vorstellen. Die gerade eingegangene Mail eines unserer Freunde in Kathmandu, mit dem wir bereits bei einigen Charity-Projekten eng zusammen gearbeitet haben, sagt hier wohl mehr aus:

Dear Fritz and Sybille,
It was the most terrifying moment of my life to go through such a scary and horrible situation. I am truly grateful just to be walking today. It happened with such feriousity and such a long span of time, where i saw houses falling apart and i was in one which was pretty badly destroyed. In just a second i manage to get out in open and i am lucky. And this was not just going to finish, i hurried back home and again the incident started this time little soft, but very shaken. The tremor kept coming and coming and we did not enter home and stayed out in garden the whole night and another night too.
There are so much damages and loss it is hard to believe. I am sure you have seen the picture updates and news. Till today we do not have electricity, The Sanitary situation is getting worse, And we really don't know what is happening except for some updates from the car radio. 
I managed to talk with most of my close family and friends. Unfortunately my uncle who lives in Swoyambhu lost their house. So i took little of food and water that i had and went to meet them. There were two policemen down who didn't allow us to go up. But after i told them i had brought something they allowed me up. I was so sad to see that most of the houses where people lived were completely damaged and people sitting under the plastic sheets in open ground, watching where once their house stood. So next day i took some more of food and water. Suprisingly there is no relief packages, no news and nothing there about Swayambhu (monkey temple) till today, which is really sad. There are about 200 people there. And if you want to help, there is so much place you can do. But if you want you can help people there in Swayambhu and this i am sure will be of immense relief to people out there.
As for now i am safe with my family and thank you both so much for your care, love and prayer form us. But there are compatriots less fortunate and some added help will be really appreciated.
With best wishes,
Gautam & family